Epoch Protocol - Overview

The Web3 ecosystem has seen exponential growth in protocols, dApps, and chains in the last few years. For users, this has massively increased the complication of navigating dapps and for developers to integrate with protocols. Transactions often require multi-step processes involving different gas tokens, bridging and swapping, and protocol-specific interactions.

It has also resulted in fragmented liquidity and complex asset management across multiple networks. Multiple rollups, increasing protocols, and shifting paradigms will all add more to the problem and fragment the UX and liquidity even further.

Our Solution

With Epoch Protocol, Users and dApps can give their input using declarative Intents and state constraints, and leave them to purpose-specific intent solvers within Epoch Network to optimise for state flows and necessary state updates, talk to multiple homogeneous and heterogeneous consensus and execution environments, do the right counter-party discovery and ultimately make the final settlement on the desired settlement layers.

With Epoch Protocol, users, and dApps can give their intentions and state constraints, and leave them to multiple purpose-specific intent solvers within Epoch Network to make all the necessary state updates, talk to multiple harmonized and diversified consensus and execution environments, do the right counter-party discovery and ultimately make the final settlement on the desired settlement layers.

Epoch also lets users define conditions for execution with their intents, once those conditions are met, the most optimal state updates are figured out and executed within the constraints for the state set by the user.

Unique Approach and Features:

  1. A Complete Middle Layer for Abstraction: Epoch Protocol is a middleware layer consisting of Intent Solver Orchestrators, internal and external Intent Solvers, Observers, Transaction Bundlers, and Smart Accounts, that allow dapp and users to interact with web3 in a chain and protocol abstracted manner.

  2. Multiple Purpose-Specific Intent Solvers: Epoch Protocol allows querying multiple purpose-specific solvers and interacting with external solvers as well to ensure users always get the most optimal settlement.

  3. Observers: Epoch Protocol has pluggable observers that can constantly monitor the chain to see if desired conditions are met for the intent to be executed.

  4. Liquidity Pools for bridging: Epoch Liquidity Pools is a unique approach to bridging funds, where solvers take on risks of bridging assets and give users their assets instantly on the destination chain and take the assets to be bridged from users on a different chain.

  5. Account Abstraction Power: Epoch Protocol's use of Account Abstraction unlocks advanced transaction automation, self-custody of funds, and more flexibility over when a transaction is being executed. With the evolving state of Account Abstraction and the advent of ERC-7702 soon EOAs will be able to benefit as well.

  6. Pluggable for All: Be it users, DeFi protocols, or organizations, Epoch Protocol provides a pluggable solution to cater to diverse needs in the Web3 ecosystem.

    1. DApps can get their users in the right state, get discovered, and be more creative in terms of UX and what to offer users.

    2. Users can be free of the cognitive hurdles of countless choices, complicated multi-step transactions and protocol discovery issues.

  7. State Constraints: Epoch adds an extra layer of security with on-chain verification of state with wallet-level constraints, so users can ensure the solution achieves the desired state updates.

  8. SAFE Module Integration: Seamlessly use SAFE vault actions, automate and/or intentify use of funds.

What can be done with Epoch right now -

  1. Automating transactions which are time or event-dependent across any dapp in web3 using SAFE smart accounts.

  2. Recording/Getting intentions from dApps using wallet connect and transaction hashes.

  3. Setting different on-chain triggers.

  4. Deploying SAFE smart accounts.

  5. Gassless transactions.

What's coming next -

  1. On-chain verification of conditions.

  2. Network of intent solver orchestrators and solvers, to find the best solution for the decelerative intents.

  3. Epoch Liquidity Pools for instant user-facing bridging of funds.

  4. Epoch Registry to allow updating context for future intents and transactions.

Last updated