
Other examples

ERC 4337 account abstraction is a major development for the Ethereum ecosystem. It has the potential to make the Ethereum network more secure, more user-friendly, and more accessible to a wider range of users.

Here are some specific examples of how ERC 4337 account abstraction could be used to improve the user experience:

  • A smart contract wallet could be programmed to automatically pay gas fees for all transactions, so that users don't have to worry about managing their ETH balance.

  • A smart contract wallet could be programmed to require multiple signatures for all transactions, which would make it more difficult for hackers to steal funds.

  • A smart contract wallet could be programmed to distribute funds to multiple beneficiaries if the user becomes incapacitated or dies.

  • A smart contract wallet could be programmed to execute transactions based on certain conditions, such as the price of ETH or the outcome of a sporting event.

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